Black Bear Hunts in Saskatchewan
Hunting for Black Bears
Our black bear hunt in northern Saskatchewan is second to none. With miles of ridges, lakes and swamps, combined with years of no hunting pressure, this area holds a very healthy population of mature black bear.
All of our hunts are over baits and hunted from a combination of tree stands and ground blinds. These northern bears have virtually never seen people and because of this have not been educated, making this area an archery hunters dream.
You will see multiple bear on your hunt and have great success whether you choose to hunt with a bow, muzzleloader, or rifle.
Black Bear Gear List
- Passport
- Firearm or Bow, and case to transport on ATV
- Extra clothes for 5 days, personal items
- Fishing rod and lures
- If you are hunting with a rifle, you must have a white or orange outer garment or orange vest with an orange or red hat.
- If you are hunting with a bow or muzzleloader, you can wear camouflage clothing
- Rain gear, as well as warm layers and gloves
- A thermacell or some form for mosquito repellant, as well as a head net, especially in late may/june hunts as there can be lots of bugs.
- Boots and a pair of shoes for around camp
- Flashlight/headlight with extra batteries
- Camera and lots of memory storage